Is vinyl more ecological than CD?

Behind of great sound experience usually goes on a carbon footprint. Due to the renewed popularity of vinyl records and all their charm, old machines, the noise of Thai factories, the stench of heated plastics and the Chao Phraya River flowing down the carcinogenic stream. The Guardian reporter guides us through the entire process reminiscent of the “How it’s done” program, although the narrative story should rather be titled “How harmful it is.” Insightfull journalistic investigation containing a handful of specific, unfortunate data does not stop at the black disc and reminds that CDs and cassettes are also products that were initially oil. And which, along their entire way to the final product, also do a lot of harm. But, fortunately, technological progress allows us to enjoy non-physical music today thanks to various streaming platforms! Well no. I mean, of course such a possibility exists, but, as the journalist argues, music also in this case is not completely materialized, streaming is still based on the most physical and energy consuming infrastructure. So is it all we have to do on a warm night to sit on the porch and play music with our friends there? Relax, work is underway on the greening of physical and streaming music, although again, not everything is so simple. Just in the same week, the “Pitchfork” portal reminded the text published in its pages a few months ago, dealing with the negative impact of the vinyl boom on the natural environment. We attach the link, because the article gives even more reasons for harmfulness, but also ideas on how to stop it.