Especially in times like these, music has to be part of people's basic care. This is why Signed Media brings you the groovy Kaiser Quartett – this time from home and over the internet!...
Especially in times like these, music has to be part of people's basic care. This is why Signed Media brings you the groovy Kaiser Quartett – this time from home and over the internet!...
25 March - 26 April at 18:00: Daily living room concerts of violinist David Hope will be available livestreams on ARTE Concert, their Facebook page and YouTube channel....
Gothenburg Symphony Orchestra will be available to all music lovers on GSOplay. The concerts can be enjoyed for free for anyone on the web or through this app....
Everyday from 19:00 to 00:00, you can enjoy a daily livestream of DJ-Sets from many famous Berlin clubs, an initiative of these clubs, RBB and ARTE who team up to keep musical life in action. More information and livestream HERE....
Recommended productions: Betroffenheit, Alice's Adventures in Wonderland, Oscar Wilde Season, Midsummer Night's Dream, The Feeling of Going....
Starting on 15 March 2020, Wiener Staatsoper will broadcast recordings of previous opera + ballet performances daily at 17:00 or 19:00 CET via its streaming platform....
Together with takt1, the Wiener Symphoniker present some of their concerts as free streams. Christoph Waltz's production of Fidelio is available on myfidelio.at or medici.tv (outside Austria)....
8 April at 20:00: The second episode of the Easter@Philharmonie Festival is coming up! This time, the focus is on the music of Gustav Mahler....
Accentus Music and the Gewandhausorchester offer an online concert schedule consisting of Accentus productions en lieu of the cancelled concerts....
Accentus Music and the Opernhaus Zürich offer free streams of opera and ballet recordings by Accentus Music every weekend until June 2020....