
Les Macrotonalités – Vladan Kuzmanović

You can listen preview of this album on this page, on Bandcamp or buy it on our shop. Please also visit Vladan Kuzmanović soundcloud. Les Macrotonalités Vladan Kuzmanović experiments with ultrasonic, subsonic music, compositions beyond the threshold of acoustic audibility in the works "Few exoacoustic pieces". 2020 is the year of macrotonal tests, which are obtained by defining a macroton and its distinctions through the triple microton-ton-macroton scheme. At the same time, he strives to reach the limits of macrotones, and above all to determine the limits and possibilities of macrotonal music. Ambient and electroacoustic music, as well as the author's tonal albums, have already opened up great possibilities for macrotonal works. The tone / macroton sound exhibits...